
Lecture |
29.11.2010 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Design Computation Symposium. Autodesk University. Las Vegas. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |

Lecture |
26.11.2010 |
Das Digitale Mauerwerk
Fachhochschule Münster. Lecturer: Volker Helm. |

Lecture |
24.11.2010 |
Das Digitale Mauerwerk
Vortragsreihe Bausch + Bogen. Universität Siegen. Lecturer: Volker Helm. |

Lecture |
23.11.2010 |
Das Digitale Mauerwerk
Vortragsreihe . Universität Kassel. Lecturer: Volker Helm. |

Lecture |
18.11.2010 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Stad&Architectuur vzw. Art Centre STUK, Leuven, Belgien. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |
Lecture |
12.11.2010 |
Digitale Materialität in der Architektur
Zwischen den Disziplinen. SIA Sektion Zürich. EWZ-Unterwerk Selnau, Selnaustrasse, Zürich. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |


Lecture |
15.10.2010 |
Material informieren
Seminar Digitale Applikationen. Hochschule Luzern. Kunsthalle St.Gallen . Lecturer: Tobias Bonwetsch. |

Lecture |
21.09.2010 |
The Wiggled Brick Bond
Advances in Architectural Geometry 10. TU Wien. TU Wien. Lecturer: Bärtschi Ralph. |
Projects: PikeLoop |

Lecture |
19.08.2010 |
Digital Materiality
FAB6 The Sixth International Fab Lab Forum: Symposium on Digital Fabrication. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Amsterdam. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |
Symposium on Digital Fabrication:

Lecture |
16.06.2010 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Tel Aviv University . Tel Aviv. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture |
11.06.2010 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Autonomy of Architecture. HYPERBODY. PROTOSPACE / TU Delft. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture |
10.06.2010 |
Digitale Materialität in der Architektur
Wendepunkt(e) im Bauen - Von der seriellen zur digitalen Architektur . Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München . Ernst-von-Siemens-Auditorium,Pinakothek der Moderne, München. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |

Lecture |
10.06.2010 |
The Future Envelope 4 - Next Generation
Conference on Building Envelopes. Facade Research Group TU Delft (NL). TU Delft (NL). Lecturer: Markus Giera. |
Within the context of research of the TU Delft(NL), the institute of Gramazio&Kohler is presenting the current results in robot-based fabriation of brickwalls. Main focus is a new, structurally and energetically efficent masonry facade system developed by the chair.
Projects: KTI_Flexbrick |

Lecture |
19.05.2010 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara. Ferrara. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |
Lecture |
17.05.2010 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Architecture. Auditorium of the Macedonian Museum of Modern Art Thessaloniki, Greece. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |

Lecture |
05.05.2010 |
Digitale Materialität in der Architektur
Ausstellungseröffnung Brick Award 2010. GTA. Auditorium E3, HIL, Hönggerberg, ETH Zürich. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio und Matthias Kohler. |
Lecture |
29.04.2010 |
Digitale Materialität in der Architektur
Workshop *Light ON!*. Dupont. Wien. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |


Lecture |
25.02.2010 |
Digitale Materialität in der Architektur
Architekturforum Hightech Holz. BauNetz. Köln. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture |
24.02.2010 |
Encoding Material
Technical Studies AA. Architectural Association. London. Lecturer: Silvan Oesterle. |

Lecture |
03.02.2010 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
International Lecture Series. The Bartlett School of Architecture. London. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |
Lecture |
21.01.2010 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
International Lectures. Arkitekskolen Aaarhus. Aarhus. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |