
Lecture |
20.11.2024 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
The Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc). W.M. Keck Lecture Hall. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |

Lecture |
28.10.2024 |
Generative AI and the (Unexpected) Return of Imitation and Styles
Gramazio Kohler Research. ETH Zurich. Lecturer: Prof. Mario Carpo, Carlotta Daro. |

Lecture |
10.10.2024 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Keynote Lecture, EKA Arh Conference, Tallin Architecture Biennale . Tallinn, Estonia. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture - Symposium |
13.07.2024 |
Disruptions in Architecture
HASEKO KUMA HALL at the University of Tokyo. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |
“Disruptions in Architecture" is a symposium that discusses the disruptive changes in architecture that are being brought about by technologies that have been rapidly developing and spreading in recent years.
Focusing on generative AI, gaming, and robotics, the symposium will explore trends in each technology in Japan and around the world through lectures and panel discussions.

Lecture |
12.07.2024 |
Architectural Entanglements between Humans and Machines
Discussions on the future roles of humans and machines in architectural design and production. Kyoto Institute of Technology. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |

Lecture |
05.04.2024 |
Design Systems and Construction Strategies for Impact Printed Structures
FABRICATE 2024. Royal Danish Academy. Lecturer: Kunaljit Chadha, Lauren Vasey. |
Impact printing is a novel robotic building method for constructing full-scale, #freeform structures with a custom earth-based material and is currently being developed at ETH Zürich. The project is a collaboration between Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich - Chair of Sustainable Construction and the Robotic Systems Lab.

Lecture |
04.04.2024 |
Digital Materiality
National Conference on Wooden Architecture. Norway / Online. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture |
21.03.2024 |
Mono-Material Wood Wall
ICD Research Talk(s) – Timber Architecture. Please pre-register by clicking on the image. Lecturer: Oliver Bucklin, Luis Orozco. |
Oliver’s research seeks to use solid timber to achieve all main structural and building physics requirements without adhesives, metal fasteners or other artificial material layers. A core focus of the project was a standard timber element, which features deep slits sawn in the profile to improve the thermal insulation performance of the envelope. The parameters of the timber profile are investigated to allow further improvements to energy performance.