
Lecture |
22.11.2019 |
Plädoyer für eine digitale Baukultur
Auf dem Weg zu einer digitalen Baukultur. BSA, Basel und CRB, Zürich. NEST, EMPA-Areal, Dübendorf. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |

Lecture |
08.11.2019 |
BDLA Entwerfertage 2019
Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten bdla. Berlin. Lecturer: Hannes Mayer. |

Lecture |
05.11.2019 |
Shaping future identities by digital fabrication
Getting The Measure of Baukultur - pour un espace de vie de qualité. Pavillon Sicli, 1227 Les Acacias. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |

Lecture |
04.11.2019 |
Bauen mit Robotern
EMPA RFA Digitalisierung im Bauwesen. EMPA Akademie, Dübendorf. Lecturer: Aleksandra Anna Apolinarska. |

Lecture |
21.10.2019 |
Digitale Baukultur
Rotary Club Zug-Kolin. Restaurant Fontana, Baarermattstrasse 11,6341 Baar. Lecturer: Hannes Mayer. |

Lecture |
30.09.2019-02.10.2019 |
Smart Dynamic Casting
Tagung Bauchemie. Fachgruppe Bauchemie der Gesellschaft Deutscher ChemikerInnen. Aachen. Lecturer: Ena Lloret-Fritschi. |

Lecture |
26.09.2019 |
Agency in Architecture
Institute of Technology in Architecture, ETH Zurich. MAS DFAB. Stefano-Franscini-Platz 1, 8093 Zurich. Lecturer: Virginia San Fratello. |

Lecture |
18.09.2019 |
Expressing Acoustics in Digital Architecture
Digital Sounds - New Technologies and Sonic Heritage. Istituto Svizzero Roma, ISR. Villa Maraini, Via Ludovisi 48, 00187 Rom. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler, Achilleas Xydis. |

Lecture |
20.07.2019 |
Past - Present and Future of Smart Dynamic Casting
International Congress on Advanced Materials Sciences and Engineering (AMSE) 2019. Osaka, Japan. Lecturer: Ena Lloret-Fritschi. |

Lecture |
11.07.2019 |
Complex Discrete Assemblies - How robotic fabrication and computational design change the way we design and build timber structures
CCMA, International Conference Challenges in Mathematical Architecture. Madrid. Lecturer: Aleksandra Anna Apolinarska. |

Lecture |
26.06.2019 |
If Robots Build the House of Today, How to Build a House Tomorrow?
swissnex San Francisco. Pier 17, The Embarcadero, Suite 800, San Francisco, CA 94111. Lecturer: Hannes Mayer. |

Lecture |
14.05.2019 |
2nd Robotics and ROS in Zurich Meetup
Institute of Technology in Architecture, HIB building, ETH Zurich. Lecturer: Romana Rust, Gonzalo Casas. |
For further information click on the image

Lecture |
13.05.2019 |
Digital Materiality
Urban Symposium International - Architecture tomorrow. Palais des Académies, rue Ducale 1 – Brussels. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |

Lecture |
10.05.2019 |
Digital Materiality
Unbuilt Architecture Today. Berlinische Galerie, Alte Jakobstraße 124–128, 10969 Berlin. Auditorium. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture |
27.03.2019 |
Towards Digital Construction - Transitioning from Academia to Industry
Pratt Institute. The Consortium for Research & Robotics. Lecturer: Andreas Thoma. |

Lecture |
26.03.2019 |
Educating for a Digital Building Culture
Architecture & Engineering Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. OEA Beirut Scientific Committee 2018-2019. OEA, Beirut, Lebanon. Lecturer: Hannes Mayer. |

Lecture |
12.03.2019 |
Fabio Gramazio - Works & Projects
IAAC Lecture Series. Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. Calle Pujades 102, Barcelona. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Lecture |
08.03.2019 |
Digital Fabrication: Evolving Architecture
SXSW. JW MARRIOTT, SALON 6, Floor: 4, 110 E 2nd St., Austin, TX, USA. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |

Lecture |
28.02.2019 |
DFAB House, offering insight into past and future developments of two research studies implemented in the project: Mesh Mould and Smart Dynamic Casting
Robouwtics - Robotics in Architecture - Symposium. Oostserre (Orange Hall), Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft. Lecturer: Alexander Walzer, Joris Burger. |

Lecture |
19.01.2019 |
Towards a Digital Building Culture
DETAIL auf der BAU 2019, München. Lecturer: Hannes Mayer. |