Gramazio Kohler Research
Open Positions
Fabio Gramazio
Matthias Kohler
Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström
Amini-Aghdam Amir-Ali
Aleksandra Anna Apolinarska
Inés Ariza
Benhur Baiju
Davide Baret
David Bergmann
Raphael Beutler
Yanis Bienz
Marco Brönimann
Oliver Bucklin
Lancelot Burwell
Elias Böhnlein
Gonzalo Casas
Kunaljit Chadha
Pierre Chassagne
Wei-Ting Chen
Sian-Jyun Chen
Chao Chia-Hsuan
Carlotta Daro
Selen Ercan Jenny
Tanja Fehr
Dario Frisina
Jonas Furrer
Alessandra Gabaglio
Eric Gozzi
Jonas Haldemann
Halima Hassan
Matthias Helmreich
Maxime Huysman
Ananya Kango
Chen Kasirer
Aikaterini Katsarou
Diego Ruben Machain Rivera
Ivan Malkov
Francesco Milano
Alexandra Moisi
Giacomo Montiani
Nicolas Müllejans
Jonas Oberholzer
Panayiotis Papacharalambous
Inés Rouane
Sarah Schneider
Fabio Scotto
Ilja Silvan Senn
Gereon Siévi
Neroli Soso
Eliott Sounigo
Magdalena Stankova
Anastasiia Stryzhevska
Elina Stähli
Ruben Arthur Tagmann
Joana Francisco Tomaz
Cedric Trees
Lauren Vasey
Lorin Wiedemeier
Shiqi Xu
Achilleas Xydis
Matteo Zivadinovic
Arash Adel is an architect, educator and currently a Ph.D. Research Fellow at the Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. In October 2015, he was awarded one of ETH’s prestigious and highly competitive “Architecture & Technology” doctoral fellowships. Prior to joining ETH, he was a lecturer in Architecture at UC Berkeley and the recipient of the Weller Research Fellowship in Architecture at Washington State University (WSU). He has taught design studios, seminars and computational design workshops in the United States and abroad. His professional experience includes small to large scale projects in Europe, China, Middle-East and North America. His work has been recognized with several awards and has been published in numerous publications. He has lectured at institutions including UC Berkeley, Rice University, University of Milwaukee, University of Idaho, Washington State University and the Moscow City Hall. His work has also been widely exhibited at various galleries, institutions and events including AIA National Design Week in Spokane, Museum of Arts at WSU, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Third Gallery Idaho and Middle East Technical University in Ankara. He holds a Master of Architecture from Harvard University.
Copyright 2024, Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Gramazio Kohler Research
Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication
ETH Zürich HIB E 43
Stefano-Franscini Platz 1 / CH-8093 Zurich

+41 44 633 49 06
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