Jesus Medina studied Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture ETSAS, Spain and received a grant to study at HTWG Konstanz and ETSAM Madrid. In 2011, he was ARQUIA Foundation fellow at Abalos+Sentkiewicz in Madrid. After completing his studies and acquiring professional experience working in Switzerland, his great interest in Digital Fabrication as well as Computational Design motivated him to do a MAS in Architecture and Digital Fabrication at ETH Zurich developing the world’s first doubly Story Wooden Pavilion which was robotically fabricated. Afterwards he worked as Research Assistant at the Chair of Digital Building Technologies (DBT) focussing on Additive Manufacturing for Integrative building components. Currently he collaborates with the Museum of Digital Art in Zurich (MuDA). Since 2017, he has been a researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication – Gramazio Kohler Research. He teaches foundational courses on computational design and robotic fabrication as well as design studios.
Projects & Research