
Vortrag |
07.12.2014 |
The Robotic Touch - How Robots change Architecture
Symposium - 2014 Digital Fabrication Lab Research Pavilion STIK. University of Tokyo. Tokyo. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |

Vortrag |
02.12.2014 |
The Robotic Touch – How Robots Change Architecture
Architectural Association School of Architecture . London. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |

Vortrag |
02.12.2014 |
The Robotic Touch – How Robots Change Architecture
ARCHITEKTURPOSITIONEN. Institute of Media and Design. TU Braunschweig. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
30.10.2014 |
The Robotic Touch – How Robots Change Architecture
Vitra Design Museum. Vitra Haus Weil am Rhein. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |

Vortrag |
22.10.2014 |
The Robotic Touch – How Robots Change Architecture
RIBA Lectures on Design through Production. University of Dundee. Dundee, Scottland. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |

Vortrag |
17.10.2014 |
The Robotic Touch - How Robots Change Architecture
Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning. The University of Michigan, USA. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |

Vortrag |
15.10.2014 |
The Robotic Touch – How Robots Change Architecture
Lecture Series. Southern Polytechnic State University (SPSU). Marietta, Atlanta, USA. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |

Vortrag |
10.10.2014 |
Digitale Prozesse in der Architektur
Siegener Bautag 2014 - Karrieren für die Zukunft. Förderverein-Bauwesen. Siegen. Vortragende: Volker Helm. |

Vortrag |
15.09.2014 |
Materialbewusste Entwurfsprozesse und digitale Fabrikation
Seminar Digitale Fabrikation. Akademie der AKH. Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen, Wiesbaden. Vortragende: Kathrin Dörfler. |

Vortrag - Vortrag |
04.09.2014-06.09.2014 |
Remote Material Deposition
What's The Matter - Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation. Enhsa / European Association for Architectural Education. Barcelona, Spain. Vortragende: Kathrin Dörfler. |

Vortrag |
05.06.2014 |
The Robotic Touch
University of Applied Sciences Munich. München. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |

Vortrag |
18.05.2014 |
The Robotic Touch – How Robots Change Architecture
RobArch 2014. University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.. Michigan, USA. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |


Vortrag |
15.05.2014 |
The Robotic Touch - How Robots Change Architecture
KRUH (Circle). Kino Světozor, Vodičkova 41, Prag. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
14.05.2014 |
Mesh Mould: Differentiation for Enhanced Performance
CAADRIA 2014. Kyoto Institute of Technology. Kyoto, Japan. Vortragende: Norman Hack. |
Projekte: MeshMould |


Vortrag |
03.04.2014 |
Authoring Robotic Processes
The In-between 2013/2014 AAA International Lecture Series. Aarhus School of Architecture . Aarhus. Vortragende: Dr. Jan Willmann. |
The lecture "Authoring Robotic Processess" introduces a new way of thinking about and materialising architecture. It brings forward the key implications of robotic fabrication in architecture and presents a selection of projects that have originated over almost a decade of research at ETH Zurich, where architecture unfolds its contemporary and most apt constructive expression through the amalgamation of digital logic and novel machinic processes.

Vortrag - Symposium |
22.02.2014 |
The Robotic Touch – How Robots Change Architecture
Digital Post-Modernities: From Calculus to Computation - J. Irwin Miller Symposium. Yale University. New Haven, USA. Vortragende: Matthias Kohler. |
This symposium will convene protagonists from different realms of today's digitally intelligent architecture, and invite them to assess the way their own digital work has changed over time, or relates to the work of their predecessors or followers.
By looking at our digital present in a historical perspective, and emphasizing the continuing rift between our modernist and post-modern allegiances, this symposium reflects the vitality and diversity of today's digital design scene, aiming to highlight some of the oppositions that animate today's digital discourse among the design professions.

Vortrag |
05.02.2014 |
Digital Materiality
The Lift Conference. CICG. Genf. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
03.02.2014 |
Explorieren – The Robotic Touch
Architektur Forum Ostschweiz. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
23.01.2014 |
Digital Materiality
Lecture Talk. SUTD. Singapore. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
23.01.2014 |
Digital Materiality
SUTD . Singapore. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |

Vortrag |
21.01.2014 |
Digital Materiality
EmTech Singapore 2014. MIT Technology Review. Sinapur. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |
Vortrag |
15.01.2014 |
Architektur im Informationszeitalter
Vortragsreihe anlässlich der Neuberufung von Prof. Oliver Fritz. Hochschule Konstanz. Konstanz. Vortragende: Fabio Gramazio. |