Gramazio Kohler Research
Offene Stellen
Fabio Gramazio
Matthias Kohler
Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström
Amini-Aghdam Amir-Ali
Aleksandra Anna Apolinarska
Inés Ariza
Benhur Baiju
Davide Baret
David Bergmann
Raphael Beutler
Yanis Bienz
Marco Brönimann
Oliver Bucklin
Lancelot Burwell
Elias Böhnlein
Gonzalo Casas
Kunaljit Chadha
Pierre Chassagne
Chao Chia-Hsuan
Carlotta Daro
Selen Ercan Jenny
Fanny Evéquoz
Tanja Fehr
Jonas Furrer
Alessandra Gabaglio
Eric Gozzi
Jonas Haldemann
Halima Hassan
Matthias Helmreich
Maxime Huysman
Ananya Kango
Chen Kasirer
Diego Ruben Machain Rivera
Francesco Milano
Alexandra Moisi
Giacomo Montiani
Jonas Oberholzer
Panayiotis Papacharalambous
Inés Rouane
Sarah Schneider
Fabio Scotto
Ilja Silvan Senn
Gereon Siévi
Neroli Soso
Eliott Sounigo
Elina Stähli
Ruben Arthur Tagmann
Joana Francisco Tomas
Cedric Trees
Lauren Vasey
Lorin Wiedemeier
Shiqi Xu
Achilleas Xydis
Matteo Zivadinovic
Alexandra Moisi is a researcher, designer, and educator working at the intersection between humans, technology, and architecture. She is currently a PhD researcher at Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, investigating the creation of interactive digital twins and using extended reality to link digital and physical spaces for computational design and fabrication.

She graduated with honors from the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Studio Greg Lynn, where she obtained her Master's in Architecture. After receiving her degree, Alexandra worked with students to create interactive augmented installations, including "Styx" for a summer program with the Architectural Association London, and "Digital Injections" as a lecturer for the postgraduate course "Designing Future Realities" at Werkstätte Wattens.

She has taught postgraduate and undergraduate studios and seminars at the University of Innsbruck's Department for Structure and Design. Here, she was also involved in research and co-led research projects "Augmented Objects" for the exhibition "Vergessen" at the Ferdinandeum in Tyrol and "Phygital Space - An Interface Enabled Augmentation" at Architektur und Tirol. Alexandra was a crucial contributor to the Austrian FFG-funded project "3D Vision," where she worked on the augmentation of climatic data in virtual and real city models. In 2021, she was granted the Start Stipendium for Architecture by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts and Culture, and in 2022, she was awarded the Tiroler Wissenschaftsförderung for her research on "Hosting Spaces," exploring multi-user participation and interaction through extended reality.
Copyright 2024, Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Gramazio Kohler Research
Professur für Architektur und Digitale Fabrikation
ETH Zürich HIB E 43
Stefano-Franscini Platz 1 / CH-8093 Zürich

+41 44 633 49 06
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